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Trailer de la pelicula "Invincibles" dirigida por Laurent Jamet, producida por Mog Production y Garchois Films.

Algo me dice que no va a ser una pelicula mas del monton.

Me iba a quedar con algunas frases de este trailer, pero termine tipeandolo todo, avisen si hay algun error de 'Listenning'

"As human beings we have many things in common.

One of the common experiences that we all have one point of our life is we all can get down...

some more than others...

for some rock bottom isn't the best...

but what it really matters is how we get back up and look forward to a new day...

for some people the way to change their unfortunately situation is to find their passion that lives within...

passion can be the shovel to ditch you out of that hole...

passion can be the light towards happiness,

passion can change your life...

skiing is my passion...

and skiing is the passion for all of these guys...

skiing is what puts the sun on our sky...

that kicking up step...

skiing is our life...

at the end of day all humans are seeking happiness...

and we skiers find it through our passion...


Para los que se quedaron con gusto a poco, les dejo todos los trailers de las peliculas que se vienen en la temporada 2010/11.
La lista esta en un post de Freeskier.com y la actualizan cada vez que sale algun trailer nuevo.

Nota: no me hago cargo si les dan excesivas ganas de esquiar, tendencias suicidas, o recuerdos melancolicos. Quedan avisados.