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Starting on monday i'll no longer be assigned to the Need For Speed team inside Globant. Why? Well, I guess they want mentally stable people to work with, and not skier-nerd double personality sindrom guy :P. Just kidding. The real reason is that they need to get the off-shore team smaller and i fit perfectly in the cut since i'm gonna be traveling to the US in a few weeks. Well at least this is the official reason i got :P.

Doesn't matter what kind of project is, the managment needs to keep an stable team and try to avoid staff rotation. It's really expensive to train people, and it takes some time to get the new people considerably productive. Also, it's hard to cut off costs, specially in crisis time, when everything is a little bit tighter.

But the main goal of this post is not to examinate how managment people keep the teams and projects up and running, but to thank all the people that have been working with me for the last few months. Both, EA Blackbox and Globant teams.

I met a lot of great people in both teams. This was, by far, the funniest project I have ever been in. It was really hard at the beginning, but i believe it turned out very well. Keep up the good work guys !

I expect some non-spanish-speakers people to comment in this post since it took me some considerable amount of time to write it in english... coff coff... LOL

Thanks again!!

2 divagues:

nachitz dijo...

As i`m leaving Globant searching for my career path of art director, i want to leave some words.

As you said my friend, for me this was also the best team and the funniest project, i hope sometime in the future we could work together again.

I`m gonna miss you guys, for thoes who are still working on the NFS team, good luck and keep the good work !!.

For you Robert, try to come back without breaking a leg on the snow.


Unknown dijo...

Hola, aunque ya no esté en el team tambien la pasé re bien y me senti parte del proyecto. Y además pude demostrar mis habilidades el metegol.